How to attract journalists to your story - top tips from Press Loft
Find your story
Journalists are always keen on hearing about the person behind the brand. Do you have an interesting background story? What makes you different from other brands? Is there an ethical/eco story behind your products? Get your unique story out there when you introduce your brand to journalists! Keep it short and sweet so they know what you are about in the first couple of sentences. Journalists don’t have much time to spare to research new feature ideas so if you can go to them with a strong angle, you’re more likely to get a reply.
Do your research
Probably the biggest gripe for journalists is being sent press releases or story ideas that are irrelevant to them. Really think about who your target audience is and what magazines, newspapers and blogs they read. Get to know the publications your brand fits in with. Journalists find it refreshing when you know the publications they work for, so know exactly what you want and where you want to be placed before reaching out.
Revamp your press release
Journalists are short on time so making life as easy as possible for them will get you instant brownie points. Keep your press releases short and snappy, with one clear message and never send it as an attachment. If you are writing about a range, best practice is to start with the star product and then feature the other items further below.
If you have a similar image to a competitor, it will all depend on who has a more appealing and ready to use image. Make sure you have at the very least high-resolution (300 dpi) cut-outs that have been shot on a flat white background. Having a variety of images ready for the journalist makes it easier for them and means you won’t be scrambling around at the last minute for a requested image on their deadline. Images are one of the first steps in making the journalist's job as easy as possible. With high-res cut-outs, they can just drag and drop straight on to their page. Job done!
Another important point to mention is remembering to label your files. Design, name, details, website and prices are crucial! Journalists receive so many files of images, so make sure your images don’t get lost in the filing frenzy.
Lifestyle imagery can also be used to keep up to date with colours and trends that are rising in popularity. Don’t just opt for close-up lifestyle shots of your product, style the room with accessories (even if they are not your products) and take whole room shots from a variety of different angles. This means your products are more likely to fit in with a wider variety of leads = lots of coverage!
Timing is key for any potential feature. You could catch a journalist just as they are working on something relevant or you could catch them on a day where they are unsure of what their next project is. You can start your email by asking them what they are working on, this leaves it open for them to give you themes instead of just sending over a specific product, colour or trend. Make sure you know the PR calendar month by month when sending out specific press releases. In December, Christmas is over for journalists, focus on Valentines Day and Mother’s Day instead! In the heat of Summer, it may be unusual for you to be thinking about Christmas, but journalists work on Christmas features up to 6 months in advance!
Keep on top of trends
Trends are a great hook for journalists. Make sure you are constantly researching trends and predictions. Key forecasters include Pantone and WGSN, sign up to their newsletters to get the latest trends as they break. Press Loft also has a newsletter which details the latest top trends, you can sign up for free on our blog.
Another appealing aspect to journalists is offering and sending them a sample. If you have a budget for this, offer your dream publications samples, this will set you aside from the rest of the pitchers who are only offering high-res images. Make sure the journalist actually wants the sample before sending it out, and gauge from them what they will be using it for.
If you would like to see your brand and products featured in your favourite publications, please visit Press Loft for more information and to sign up for a free trial.
Press Loft is the leading international PR platform where interior & gift brands showcase their products to journalists, bloggers & influencers. Their PR tool allows companies to easily secure press coverage & quality backlinks for SEO by connecting with our extensive network of 18,000 journalists, bloggers and influencers.
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